Online Checklist For Hunters By Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations

Forget about pen and papers to plan for you hunting. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations have made it easy for hunters with their new online gear checklist to be fully prepared as they head afield. Steve Decker, RMEF vice president of marketing, said in a news release that “This is the quintessential checklist for the elk hunter. It can be customized for the rifle hunter or bowhunter and be adjusted according to the length of a hunt.”
Hunting Gear

You can find the 101 gear checklist on RMEF Website which allows you to create a personal checklist by clicking on one of three options: day tripper, multi day or outfitted. From there, categories include clothes, food and water, meat care, overnight gear and hunting gear. Users highlight the tabs most appropriate to their preference, click “download PDF” and then print that list and use it to prepare for the hunt ahead.

About Mark Griffin

Hi, This is Mark Griffin, a professional camp instructor, a passionate hunter and wildlife enthusiast. I like to travel & participate in hunting events across the country and abroad. I have been reloading, shooting and hunting for over 15 years now. Beside, a professional Camp Instructor, I am an avid blogger and freelance writer. Plenty of my blogs/articles have been featured on popular hunting forums and web magazines. When not hunting, photographing, writing, or spending time with my 'kiddos', I usually try to master wildlife painting!
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