Following a racist shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, earlier this month, and Tuesday’s school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, weapons have resurfaced as a political hot topic.
Since the deadly school shooting in Texas that claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers, the stock prices of a number of prominent US gun manufacturers have surged.
Smith & Wesson Brands has gained over 10% in the last five days, tracking the gains of other manufacturers such as Ammo Inc (up 12.6%), Sturm Ruger (up 5.64%), and ammunition manufacturer Olin (up 23.5 % over the past month).
While limits, such as background checks, have yet to be declared, investors are trying to buy firearm stocks at a low price.
FiveThirtyEight looked at polling and media data to show how support for gun laws has arisen in the wake of intensive media coverage of previous school shootings but has since reverted to the previous mean as the media emphasis has shifted to other concerns. We looked at the coverage of two school shootings in 2018 to see how it correlated with shifts in public support for stricter gun laws. We looked at data from the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, and Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, on May 18, 2018.
And, as shown in the graph below, there was an immediate spike in the number of Americans who supported tougher gun regulations following each shooting, particularly in Parkland, followed by a drop in support.

Guns made in the United States.
The number of weapons manufactured in the United States has surged dramatically. In the years leading up to the recent spike in gun deaths and shooting events, domestic gun manufacturing exploded.
According to data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, annual gun production ranged between 3 million and 4 million between 1988 and 1992.
Fast forward to 2009, when for the first time during President Bill Clinton’s presidency, more than 5 million weapons were manufactured. Since then, the number of guns manufactured has climbed for more years than it has declined, reaching a high of 11 million in 2016.
What types of firearms are manufactured in the United States?
In 2009, the production of rifles and pistols exploded.
In addition, the types of guns have evolved. According to ATF data, after the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004, handgun and rifle manufacturing exploded.
According to ATF data, the number of weapons imported has also increased in recent years, rising to almost 6.8 million in 2020. That was the highest number since records began in 1986 when only 700,000 weapons were imported.
Following the news of the Texas shooting, gun makers made a profit. By the end of the business day on Wednesday, the stock prices of Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger & Co. had outperformed the S& P 500.
Companies that manufacture guns outperform the competition. The day following the horrific Texas school massacre, stock prices for two major gun manufacturers beat the S& P 500.
Reasons For The Spike In Gun Sales
Any societal anxiety can result in a sales increase.
However, “turbulence” in US politics and society could result in an increase in gun purchases.
It can be applied to a wide range of insecurities and anxieties. As we witnessed during the pandemic how Covid-19 spikes the gun sale in USA, after any significant disruption—riots, protests—there are increases,
We saw more black women buying weapons for the first time to protect themselves under the Trump administration and increased allegations of bigotry.
Mass shootings have also been used by the firearms industry as a marketing technique.
In the aftermath of previous mass shootings, it appears as if people want to buy the guns used in the attack.
“After Sandy Hook, for example, the gun industry began promoting the Bushmaster AR-15 used in the attack as a weapon capable of killing people.”
However, data on gun sales has its limitations.
Official estimates are based on the number of FBI background checks conducted. However, not all states use the federal database and conduct their own checks, and not everyone who requests a background check goes on to purchase a firearm.
People are also increasingly purchasing firearms from unregistered retailers and over the internet, which will not be included in the statistics.
Relation Between National Rifle Association (NRA) & U.S. politicians.
According to the Pew Research Center, one out of every three adults in the United States has a firearm.
Following every mass shooting in the United States, there are calls for tighter background checks and the outlawing of particular types of firearms.
However, the NRA-led coalition of gun lobbyists, which funds politicians and their campaigns in exchange for votes to maintain gun rights, makes reform nearly impossible.
One source says, “Many people, including some NRA members, believe that background checks should be broadened.”
However, when it comes to Congress and the Senate, there are just too many NRA-funded politicians who will stop it every day of the week.
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The way to harmony
The notion that there can be no compromise on either side of the gun debate, is a lie — and perhaps even a deliberate one.
“The reality is that polls show widespread public support for ‘common-sense gun laws such as universal background checks, laws mandating safe gun storage in households with children, and red flag’ laws restricting access to firearms under certain circumstances, such as when someone has been placed under a temporary domestic violence restraining order or has been hospitalized for mental illness and is judged to be in danger of harming themselves.”
further study to answer misunderstandings about how to best reduce fear while enhancing personal and public safety “to assist both sides in reaching a compromise.”